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Scissor Lift Safety Regulations And Guidelines

When using heavy machinery, it’s important that operators are aware of safety procedures and guidelines in order to avoid accidents and injury. It might take longer to finish a task, but the risk to the operator would be considerably lower and the chances of delay (as a result of accidents and injury) will also be reduced. Below, we have outlined 5 scissor lift safety regulations and guidelines to follow:

  1. Don’t overload the machine
    It’s important to remember that these machines do have a limit. They are primarily used for raising things or people so that they can perform tasks from an elevated height. The weight of what is being raised is a safety priority, as the base becomes more unstable the higher the platform is raised. Once instability occurs, outside forces (like wind) can topple it.
  2. Don’t rush when transferring materials
    When transferring materials, it is important that you’re sure and steady at all times. Don’t accelerate the platform too quickly and don’t rush to unload materials at the top. Remember the adage “haste makes waste” – caution should always be exercised when using heavy machinery and when dealing with lifts that extend many feet above the ground.
  3. Don’t cross your harnesses
    Safety harnesses and lanyards are vital pieces of equipment when using scissor lifts, as they prevent an operator from falling off the platform and can also be connected to a kill switch. When wearing harnesses or lanyards, operators must ensure that they do not intertwine or cross over each other, as this can compromise them.
  4. Stay inside the guardrails
    Operators working on the platform should keep in mind that the guardrails are there for a reason and it’s for their protection that they remain inside at all times. There are some situations in which you might need to reach out to perform a task, but care should be taken not to lean over or reach out to a point of over extending oneself.
  5. Don’t move the lift whilst the platform is extended
    When moving heavy machinery, the platform should be lowered to its original position first. This will ensure that it won’t bump into anything, that it will fit through any doorways and that the stability of the base isn’t compromised. Any operators should also remove themselves from the platform (if possible) to reduce safety hazards.

If you regularly use scissor lifts in the course of your work, we hope that the above list of safety regulations and guidelines has given you a few things to consider. Although there are plenty more precautions and steps that should be taken to ensure safety when using heavy machinery, the 5 we have outlined above are incredibly important and can save lives.